Click here to read about our concert highlights from past years. Click here to receive news of future concerts by email.
Interested in other forthcoming music events? Music in Norwich gives information about 2024 concerts in the city and around the county. For forthcoming concerts by amateur orchestras in Norfolk, see the calendar here.
St. Gregory's Orchestra - St. Gregory's Day Concert
1.00pmSt Peter Mancroft Church Norwich
Free admission – retiring collection in support of the Red Cross Ukraine Crisis Appeal
The Oriole Singers' Spring Concert Party
1.00pmChantry Hall, The Chantry, Norwich NR2 1QZ
Chantry Hall is located at the end of a red-brick building marked M.A.P. (Mancroft Advice Project), between the Chantry car park and the Assembly House.
An Idiosyncratic Medley of Traditional Songs
Free Admission (retiring collection) – raffle to include a beautiful hand-made quilt
Pulham Orchestra 'Come and Play' Day
10am - 5pmMemorial Hall, Pulham Market IP21 4SU.
Click on the poster for full details.
St. Gregory's Orchestra - Concert
7.00pmSt. George's Church, St George's Street, Norwich NR3 1DD
Beethoven ‘Egmont’ Overture, Mozart Horn Concerto No. 2, Music from The Gondoliers, Schubert Symphony No. 6
Retiring collection in aid of The Matthew Project, supporting vulnerable adults and young people in the East of England. Registered Charity 1122801
The Oriole Singers' Concert Party
1.00 - 2.00pmChantry Hall, The Chantry, Norwich NR2 1QZ
Chantry Hall is located at the end of a red-brick building marked M.A.P. (Mancroft Advice Project), between the Chantry car park and the Assembly House.
Music from West Side Story, and American Songs
Free admission (retiring collection)
The Oriole Singers' Concert Party
1.00 - 2.00pmChantry Hall, The Chantry, Norwich NR2 1QZ
Chantry Hall is located at the end of a red-brick building marked M.A.P. (Mancroft Advice Project), between the Chantry car park and the Assembly House.
Fiddler on the Roof and Jewish songs
Free admission (retiring collection)
The Oriole Singers' Christmas Concert Party
1.00 - 2.00pmChantry Hall, The Chantry, Norwich NR2 1QZ
Chantry Hall is located at the end of a red-brick building marked M.A.P. (Mancroft Advice Project), between the Chantry car park and the Assembly House.
The orchestra raises funds for Ukraine by means of an annual concert. If you are Interested in Ukrainian classical music, download the app from Ukrainian Live, which is a treasure house of music from Ukraine. See the Scores Database for music to perform.
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Last updated: 28th October 2024 |